Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stationery Update

We made 94 sets of stationery over the past week so we'll be donating $94 to Angels' Arms.  Angels' Arms is a private, not-for-profit organization that receives no federal, state or United Way funding, yet provides love, security and hope for foster children in 6 loving homes in the greater St. Louis area.  You can learn more about Angels' Arms at:

Here's a few photos of the stationery process.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thumbprint Stationery

We've been making stationery all week.  The students enjoyed creating birds, spiders, and fish with their thumbprints. We sold 89 sets of stationery so we're donating $89 to Angels' Arms, a local foster home.  Thanks so much for your generosity. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thumbprint Stationery

We worked hard this afternoon making thumbprint stationery.  Your child brought home a sample set of stationery.  We're selling the stationery and all the money will go to Angels' Arms, a local foster home.  I'll post pictures of the stationery on Monday.  Have a great weekend!